- Alberta Birth Certificates
- Marriage Licences and Marriage Certificates
- Legal Name Change
- Death Certificate
- Other Provincial Websites
To order a birth certificate you must fall into one of the following catergories:
- Self (ordering your own certificate)
- Parent
- Legal guardian
Please bring:
- Valid, government issued photo ID

Please note: If your valid Identification is not written in english you must provide an English translation with an affidavit from the translator stating that their translation is accurate.
Please fill out the following form and bring it to the registry office with you to shorten your waiting time.
Marriage Licence:
Both parties to the intended marriage must be present in order for us to issue a marriage licence.
Both parties will also need to bring valid photo ID. ie. Driver's licence, Passaport, Alberta Identification Card.
Each of the intended parties will also need to fill out a separate application form. To print the form, please click the link below.
Application for Marriage License
Marriage Certificate:
Either party to the marriage may come in to any registry office to order a marriage certificate.
Please bring valid photo identification. ie. Driver's licence, Passaport, Alberta Identification Card.
You may print the following application form and bring it into our office to shorten your wait time.
Application for Marriage Certificate
Please note: You must have an official marriage certificate in order to change last names.
Basic information about Legal Name Changes. (LCN)
This application must be submitted in person to a registry agent office
The applicant must provide acceptable proof of identity
The information you provide on your forms must be as complete as possible.
You must come into a registry office to pick up the LCN paperwork. We will help walk you through it.
Who is eligible to apply for Vital Statistics' legal change of name documents?
a) The adult person whose name was changed.
b) The person who applied for the change of name.
c) A guardian or trustee for a person whose name was changed. A copy of the legal document showing the applicant's name must be attached to the application.
d) A person who is a designated agent for a person described. The consent and the statutory declaration on the application form must be completed.
e) A person who holds power of attorney to act on behalf of the person described in a). A copy of the legal document showing the applicant's name must be attached to the application.
f) A person with an order from a court in Alberta. A copy of the order authorizing the applicant must be attached to the application.
Do I need to apply for a legal change of name to change my last name after marriage?
No, you only need to apply for a marriage certificate. Once your marriage certificate has been received please bring it into one of our offices along with your current photo ID and we will help you change your name.
If you have lost your LCN paperwork please fill out the following form and bring it into our office:
Death Certificates:
Proof of death.
Application for Death Documents
Who is eligible to apply for Vital Statistics' death documents?
a) The executor, personal representative or estate administrator of the deceased person's estate. A copy of the legal document showing the applicant's name must be attached to the application.
b) An adult next-of-kin* of the deceased person, including a minor parent, spouse or partner. Proof of relationship or an Affidavit of Relationship** must be attached to the application.
c) A guardian or trustee for the deceased person immediately before death as established by court documents. A copy of the legal document showing the applicant's name must be attached to the application.
d) A person with an order from a court in Alberta. A copy of the order authorizing the applicant must be attached to the application.
e) A person who is a joint tenant with the deceased. A certified copy of the title to the property showing joint tenancy must be attached to the application.
f) A person who is a designated agent for a person described in a) to c). The consent and statutory declaration on the application form must be completed.
g) An adult relative of the deceased person when there is no other person eligible to apply as described in a) to d). Proof of relationship or an Affidavit of Relationship** must be attached to the application.
h) A funeral home representative who is making arrangements for the deceased person. Proof of occupation must be attached to the application.
i) A lawyer for the person described in a) to e), g). A copy of the lawyer's valid Law Society card must be attached to the application (this is in addition to the ID requirement).
j) A public trustee who needs it to comply with Part 2 Division 2 of the Public Trustee Act.
*Next-of-kin: Mother, father, brother, sister, children, spouse or adult interdependent partner. This does not include in-laws, grandchildren, step relatives, aunts, uncles, nieces or nephews.
**Affidavit of Relationship form is available at a registry agent office
Medical Certificate of Death:
Certified copy of original doctors statement of death.
Application for Death Documents
Eligibility Requirements for Certified Photocopies of Medical Certificate of Death:
a) Adult next-of-kin* of the deceased person, including a minor parent, spouse or partner. Proof of relationship must be attached to the application. An Affidavit of Relationship cannot be used as proof of relationship for a photocopy of a Medical Certificate of Death.
b) A person who is a designated agent for a person described in a). The consent and statutory declaration on the application form must be completed.
c) A person with an order from a court in Alberta. A copy of the order authorizing the applicant must be attached to the application.
d) A lawyer for a person described in a) or c). A copy of the lawyer's valid Law Society card must be attached to the application (this is in addition to the ID requirement).
*Next-of-kin: Mother, father, brother, sister, children, spouse or adult interdependent partner. This does not include in-laws, grandchildren, step relatives, aunts, uncles, nieces or nephews.
For information on Vital Statistic records for other provinces and countries in North America, please enjoy the links below.
Provincial Government Websites:
British Columbia: https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/home
Saskatchewan: https://www.saskatchewan.ca/
Manitoba: https://www.gov.mb.ca/index.html
Ontario: https://www.ontario.ca/?docid=121591
Quebec: http://www.etatcivil.gouv.qc.ca/en/default.html
Newfoundland: https://www.gov.nl.ca/
Nova Scotia: https://beta.novascotia.ca/
Prince Edward Island: https://www.princeedwardisland.ca/en
Northwest Territories: https://www.gov.nt.ca/
Yukon: http://www.gov.yk.ca/
Foreign Government Websites:
USA: https://www.usa.gov
Mexico: https://www.canadainternational.gc.ca/mexico-mexique/index.aspx?lang=eng