Legal Name Change


Basic information about Legal Name Changes. (LCN)

This application must be submitted in person to a registry agent office

The applicant must provide acceptable proof of identity

The information you provide on your forms must be as complete as possible.

You must come into a registry office to pick up the LCN paperwork. We will help walk you through it.

Who is eligible to apply for Vital Statistics' legal change of name documents?

a) The adult person whose name was changed.

b) The person who applied for the change of name.

c) A guardian or trustee for a person whose name was changed. A copy of the legal document showing the applicant's name must be attached to the application.

d) A person who is a designated agent for a person described. The consent and the statutory declaration on the application form must be completed.

e) A person who holds power of attorney to act on behalf of the person described in a). A copy of the legal document showing the applicant's name must be attached to the application.

f) A person with an order from a court in Alberta. A copy of the order authorizing the applicant must be attached to the application.

Do I need to apply for a legal change of name to change my last name after marriage?

No, you only need to apply for a marriage certificate. Once your marriage certificate has been received please bring it into one of our offices along with your current photo ID and we will help you change your name.

If you have lost your LCN paperwork please fill out the following form and bring it into our office:

Application for Legal Name Change



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